Views: 89 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2016-09-20 Origin: Site
It is easier and cheaper than you think to power your home with solar energy. Homes with rooftop solar panels have become a trend.
Solar power is an intermittent system that supplies power to the home and stores extra unused power acquired from the solar into batteries for future use. These batteries limit power fluctuations and accommodate varying outputs from the solar system. The computer controlled system may automatically take the needed power from the local power grid if the stored electricity in the batteries becomes depleted. Among the obvious benefits of this system are - its being renewable, cost efficient and having no greenhouse gas emissions.
Once the system is installed, the homeowner needs to simply keep the panels clean. The longer panels are spend exposed to full sun, the more efficient the power generation will be.
With solar PV systems, each panel houses a cell made from layers of semi-conducting material, usually silicon. When light shines on the cell electric field is created.
Homeowners may wish to install solar power to avoid future potential fluctuations in energy costs, or may simply wish to look beyond their personal financial motivations and use solar power for green living.